Patrick Khoo


Full Name

Patrick Khoo



Date of Birth

1974-06-07 00:00:00









What is your professions?

Software Development, Business / Tech Strategy, CTO, Managing Director







About you

NOTE: To any prospective partners, they should note that I am a pre-owned partner and I have a special 9-year-old girl whom I will always love and care for. If this is not acceptable, then please move on immediately. I understand it is premature to bring this point up so early, but I just want to be up-front and clear.


I want to share special times with a special someone – be it just being in each other’s company or just talking all night long. I want us to value time, and to see things from a higher perspective. I want us to search for balance in life, to have compatible values in life and love, and to grow and change together in the same direction over time. I want us to inspire each other to create, to explore and to grow to become better people and do things we never thought we would do. I want us to join forces and work together passionately as a team. I want us to believe in good and love, and to value relationships and people. I want us to love ourselves, love each other and love others. I want us to be joyful and happy from within, to laugh genuinely and smile sincerely – often. I want us to look at each other as best friends, and yet also look into each others eyes with a sparkle and twinkle of something more, much more. I want us to act with thought in our minds, but to always be guided by our hearts.


This is what I am dreaming of. And in return, I offer this – a journey in life – together. If someone else truly feels, wants and dreams of the same, and if we click, then maybe, just maybe, we might have something truly special. Bonus if she likes to read, watch movies, listen to music and occasionally, be a model in my photographs.

Strong Point

1. I have made many, many mistakes in the past. And I will make many more in the future. But one thing is for sure, I have learned a lot. And I will continue to learn more. My strength is in the many mistakes I have made – and the lessons I’ve learned.


2. I am willing to try new things. Or do difficult things. It is never easy, and it will never be easy. But when it is necessary, I know where I to find the courage and strength to do so.


3. I try to be funny, quick witted, well-read, and provide intelligent conversation.


Photography, Reading, Music, Movies, Connecting with People

Term & Condition


